The Weight Project and the 290+ Video.
A month or so before I actually moved to California and started losing weight, I had the idea that a movie which tracks a person's weight loss journey in a humorous and novel way may indeed go viral. More importantly, hewing to such a grand project may keep me on the straight and narrowing.
The idea: create one video which through the course of a single piece of music I a) dance, and b) go from 296 lbs to 180 lbs. Ambitious, as any life change should be. Also, my dancing improves as my body does.
Also, while I harbor no delusions of becoming the next Vsauce, I would like the video to monetize at least a little should I be lucky enough (and the video good enough) to get hits. This makes music selection important - there are cuts that go well with what I'm doing but not public. Free music is spotty. Hell, I could even use some app to create my own. The music for The Grand Project will thus be an ongoing project in and of itself.